Placebo or Belief? Religion and Health in the 21st Century

In this lecture, Dr. Hester Oberman, a theologian and scholar of religion, will critically analyze how faith and belief interface with psychology, health, and healthcare on the basis of evidence based medicine.

5 to 6 p.m., Nov. 18, 2014

The 2014-2015 series on Psychology and Religion continues with a lecture by Dr. Hester Oberman, Vice-President of the American Academy of Religion in the Western Region (AAR/WR), and she is the Medical Humanities Liaison for the College of Humanities. As a theologian and scholar of religion, Dr. Oberman will critically analyze how faith and belief interface with psychology, health, and health care on the basis of evidence based medicine. Dr. Oberman’s research focuses on the intersection between spiritual/religious experiences and observable scientific data. Her recent areas of research include religion and violence; the psychology of spirituality; the nature of belief in the twenty-first century; and the influence of faith traditions and spirituality in health care and medicine. She teaches interdisciplinary courses in the Religious Studies Program on religion, psychology, and science, which are crosslisted with the Department of Psychology and the Department of Philosophy. She also teaches for the University of Arizona Honors College.
